Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Doggy Dad

This is my doggy dad, Daniel. Isn't he gorgeous?
He's a "size reducer," which makes sense since I'm so little!

Did you think he'd be a shaggy redhead like my human dad?


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Wow, your doggy dad is a handsome fellow! He must be so proud of his pretty little girl. We were a little surprised he wasn't red but that's okay. We don't even know who our doggy parents are so you are lucky. But then, we are lucky too because we have a great human mom who loves us completely.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Kate (Embarrassment of Riches) said...

Your human Mom is awesome. I can tell how much she cares for you guys.

I keep trying to talk my humans into getting me a sister, but no luck yet!