Sunday, March 2, 2008

Natural light is much better than flash bulbs


The Zoo Crew said...

Hi Chloe! We found you on DWB and since there are two wieners in our crew, we thought we'd say hello!!

We like to sunbathe too. But it was miserably cold and overcast today :(

Peace + Paws,

Lucy Lu and Halo

Franny said...

Chloe, you look absolutely angelic in these photos! Sometimes I wish I had long silky hair...


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Chloe, you look lovely in any light but the natural light really brings out your inner glow. Andy thinks you are really, really pretty. If you are interested in a long distance boyfriend with no "boy bits", Andy is available.

Roxie, Sammy & (a blushing) Andy

Kate (Embarrassment of Riches) said...

Hey Lucy Lu and Halo- It's cold here again. We only had that one day of sunshine. Now we have snow.

Franny- You're beautiful with your short hair. I bet Nina doesn't have to brush out tangles in your ears. That hurts!

And Andy- I'm blushing now. You are too kind!