Adult me:

Mom and Dad brought me home one year ago today. I had an upset tummy, a rat-tail, and some very hostile housemates. Now I never turn down a treat, my tail is a beautiful plume, and the cats alternate between tolerating me and liking me.
I can state for a fact that I'm the most loved dog in the entire world. Mom and Dad have left vacation early to come home and get me (their separation anxiety far exceeds mine). They sing me little ditties that they make up about me, and I have about 87 nicknames. Even when they're strict - like making me wear a lifejacket on the boat, carrying me across the street, or refusing to give me any chocolate - I know they're doing it because they love me.
To celebrate, tonight I'm going to pick out some goodies at Three Dog Bakery and then we'll go on a nice long walk.
Happy gotcha day, Chloe! Enjoy your special time with your hoomans and enjoy your treats!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Aww, you were one cute puppy! I hope you have a fun 1 Year Anniversary with your Mom and Dad.
w00f's chloe me sorrwy me missed u gotcha day...hope u had a special day, wiff lots of trweats and toys..
b safe,
Chloe... omd! We saw you on the DWB website when we were seeing if any other dog bloggers in Indiana were on here!!! And you are the coolest non-pug dog ever! We are adding you to our list of dog bloggers... come visit us sometime!
-Sophie and Dixie
Wow Chloe, you really have grown in a ywar. You were a pretty baby but now you are beautiful you woman.
Loved the pictures of you and the little horsie and I can see why that big blue & white thingie (was it a cow?) would scare you. It's 100% bigger than us.
Love ya Mona
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