Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm not a weiner dog

When people ask what kind of dog Mom and Dad have, their first response is "dachshund." When they're met with a puzzled look in return, Mom and Dad's second response is "weiner dog," and the questioner's eyes always light up.

I'd argue that Bratwurst would be more apt, for two reasons: 1) it's German, like me, and 2) I'm becoming quite a little brat. It all started when we moved to New York. Dad stays home with me all day, and sometimes he'll be on an important-looking phone call or typing frantically on the computer, meaning he isn't devoting one hundred percent of his attention to ME. To rectify this, I have a plethora of tricks up my sleeve: tap dance around at his feet until he grows tired of my shuffling and picks me up, torment the cats until he decides to rescue them and pick me up, and let out one shrill yap to let him know I'm there, waiting to be picked up. Some of these techniques are more effective than others (the latter takes the longest, and hence is only reserved for extreme cases, because he scolds me, I run under the couch and hide, and then he feels guilty and coaxes me out), but in the end, I always end up on his lap.

When Dad has to move, say, to use the bathroom, my brattiness is unfurled like ticker-tape at a parade: I growl at him. But I need to work on my ferociousness, because he just laughs at me.


Shawn said...

Maybe if you didn't wag your tail so much when you growl. :)

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Chloe,

Them silly peoples most not know there are so many different weinie dogs out there. Mommy adopted one of each of us exceot a piebald and a dapple. You are are adorable longhaired dachsie.

Mommy is doing our sleepy post tomorrow and wants to us your June 1st sleepy picture. Will that be Ok?

How excitin that you got to meet Oscar!!


Shawn said...

Of course, Mona! Please use any of my pictures you want.


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Chloe, we would be afraid if you growled at us ... as long as you promise to be afraid if we growl at you.

Sorry we haven't been around for a while. Mom has been lazy but we think she might be back in the blogging mode so we will be around to visit more often ... we hope.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Chloe,
Just stopping by to let you know I just finished by sleepy post and used a pic from your bloggie.

Come on over when you can.
